Global Kindergarten Experience
The highest school-age outcomes world-wide are found in Canada, while the UK ranks #1 overall in English language education systems. That’s why KidzCan blends the Canadian and UK models to create the very best for your child.
KidzCan Global Education Inc is an innovative team of education professionals based in British Columbia, Canada. We have packaged a top-ranking Canadian Kindergarten curriculum with a robust teacher training program and Kindergarten accreditation in order to share Canada’s early childhood education excellence with partners around the world.
KidzCan© is based on a Canadian kindergarten program that is a child-centred, developmentally appropriate, integrated program of learning for children. The purpose of the KidzCan© program is to establish a strong foundation for learning in the early years, in a play-based environment that
promotes the physical, social, emotional, and cognitive development of all children.
The KidzCan© program is based on the strong foundations of some of the world’s best recognized early learning systems and philosophies, such as Montessori, Reggio, and Waldorf. Without being limited to one system, KidzCan© Kindergartens take the best of each approach, supported by the latest research on pedagogy and brain science.